North Petherton Ladies VS North Petherton Veterans (In Wellies)

Saturday 1st September 2012

North Petherton Ladies 27 North Petherton Veterans (In Wellies) 22
Played in aid of the JOSH EVANS TRUST FUND

The curtain raiser to the season started with the Pethy Ladies playing in their first ever match against a bunch of Pethy veterans who were set back by the fact that they had to wear Wellington boots.

The girls showed they had been working hard in the pre season with some good off loading in the tackle area. The game was played in a superb manner even if there were a couple of ‘Off the ball incidents’!! The girls led throughout the match and were worthy winners in what is hoped to be an annual event.

Many thanks go to all those that sponsored the Ladies and also to those that dug deep and contributed to the charity bucket. At the final count the ladies and Vets had over £500.

Well done to everyone involved, especially Louise Potter for making this happen.

From all at JETF

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